Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Friday, September 30, 2011

Back to Sydney from Fun in New Zealand


I arrived back to Sydney on Friday night and Monday morning I called Laurie Waterson who said all was going well and should have plans approved by mid week !!!

There is still lot's to do to be prepared, Mum & I are trying to rescue all the Bulbs and move Fruit trees so that the building works don't damage them, big and back breaking job plus all this timber has to go or be moved.

Wednesday I had a call from Laurie Waterson and yes!!! the plans are all sorted & signed off, can you believe it, how fast was that! Now the ball has to get rolling.

The List So Far
  • Block of land
  • Home Design
  • Builders Quotes
  • Surveyor stage 1 for contour plans and boundaries
  • Engineer to create the footing plans
  • Bush Fire Report & Certificate
  • Private Certifier
  • Plans Approved
  • Order the Kit for Frames & Trusses and the Floor Kit
  • Surveyor to peg out the house
  • Builder to have the holes dug and filled with concreate = Footings
  • Brickie to build the peirs
  • Delivery of the Kit stage 1 & floor Kit
Let's see how we go as all is going so much to plan, fingers crossed. ;-)