Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Friday, September 30, 2011

Dig Those Trenches Boys!!


How exciting is it to arrive and a great big digger thingo is right in your drive way and it's bright Orange!!!

And I thought the boys were going to dig all these holes by hand, silly me, no sweat on this site but again it just shows how big the home will be. The trenches have marked out the front of the home quite well and the Bay window for bedroom 1 will be so lovely, the room is a great size as well.

Oh yes, the timber all had to be moved, around 4 tonne, peice by peice by myself to the back corner, gosh I was super tired after that but it looks cute stacked up and more flowers have come out, this will be such a pretty garden when I put it all back together.