Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lucky for us the Romans Invented Concrete


Nathan Kerr, builder, has arranged for the concrete truck to arrive early and the boys are on the job splashing cement around, Nathan even got a load down his boot!!

The driver of this huge truck was incredible and able to guide this massive vehicle up the drive way and around the block filling up all the footing holes. What a mess and the lads worked hard and fast to get it all done.

The front bedroom bay window footings are carefully sculptured in a step design to make the laying of bricks perfect.

As soon as this is dry and ready to go, the bricks will be laid for the piers, all is going to plan prior to the Kit being delivered.
Nathan Kerr

Who doesn't love 'Bunnings'!