Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Still in mid July and the race is on!

Now there are so many things to sort out, arrange & organise at the same time to make sure that all is going to plan.
 This is the Front of the home but you have to imagine the cute little balustrade around the Verandah

While the Plumber 'Sterlo' was happy digging up the road, and I missed the photo opportunity ;-( the final plans were being drawn at Kitome, pre-luminary designs at first to check and sign off on, this is when any changes will be made for free, yes FREE. Any changes after that have a small cost so I made sure that it was just as I planed.

 The North side of the home showing the carport, Breakfast nook and the lovely large windows to let in all the sun.

I gave Kitome the Surveyors drawings and the drawing with the location of home on the block and they do all the BASIX for me including a BASIX Certificate though I had to fill in a check list for them but what a service. Kitome then sent back the final plans which included a flooring diagram and footings placement.

 West elevation with the large entertaining Verandah and handy Loo & Laundry.

 And the South side with large bedroom windows, all subfloor area is the be enclosed so you will not see the peirs.

 Now to putting it all together for the Private Certifier to have the plans approved as a Complying Development Application on my behalf so that I do not have to deal with Council - who thought of that great idea !!!