Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Floor Plan of Katoomba Cottage

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Brick by Brick


(If you would like to see this BLOG and the earlier posts in it's true form, go to 

The Bricks have arrived for the piers and the sub floor. The Council requires that the front of the home be enclosed by a brick sub floor wall for possible ember attack as this end of the property has a very low fire rating of 12.5 and the rear has no fire rating so all clear. I am happy to have this wall built anyway as it will dress the entrance and give some great storage under the house also add to the Winter warmth.
It's amazing how fast these fellows can build a wall and they are so focused. Local guys Joe who teaches at the Tafe and Bon who has a very keen eye for detail smoothly create the outline of the Cottage and the front Bedroom 1 Bay window.

It really doesn't take them long to have the front wall erected and it is now possible to have a good idea of the real size of the home, it's big..........
My friend the little local helper
Inspector Cat
Here's lot's of pic's that were taken over the days of the piers being built.


A great view looking down from the neighbours put's it all into place.

These couple of pic's give a good feel for just how high the wall is & how much storage space will be underneath.
And straight lines, perfect!

 Every post will have a sheet of waterproofing and a metal ant cap.


Now we have to wait till the piers are set and ready for the Bearers, Joists & Flooring, then the frames will start being put in place, very exciting and there will be lots of movement.